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Friday, March 28, 2025  



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Weather Insurance


rain, snow, wind and more for a single event or production


Weather Perils | Rainfall Definitions | Claim Verification and Settlement
Program Summary

The Weather Insurance Program provides weather coverage for a single event or film production occurring in the United States.  Over 250 event and production types are eligible for the program.


Coverage must be purchased at least 14 days in advance of the desired coverage start date.

Weather Perils

Available weather perils are indicated below.  Multiple perils can be selected in a single quote.









  Rain Total Accumulation


Rain Total Accumulation provides coverage if a certain amount of rain falls during the selected time period above a selected threshold. The level of rain selected should be based on how much rain would need to fall during the selected hours in order to negatively impact the event.



  Rain Free/Dry Hours


Rain Free/Dry Hours provides coverage when there is a desired amount of dry (i.e. rain free) hours.

For example, an insured may have a 10 hour window in which they need 4 hours to be dry. If it is not dry for at least 4 of those 10 hours then the policy would pay.





Snow Total Accumulation provides coverage if a certain amount of snow falls during the selected time period. The level of snow selected should be based on how much snow would need to fall during the selected hours in order to negatively impact the event.



  Temperature Maximum


Provides coverage if the selected temperature is reached or exceeded during the coverage period.



  Temperature Minimum


Provides coverage if the selected temperature is not reached during the coverage period.



  Wind Maximum


Provides coverage if the selected wind speed is reached during the coverage period.





Provides coverage if the selected visibility distance is not reached during the coverage period.



  Cloud Cover Percentage


Provides coverage if the selected Cloud Cover percentage is reached or exceeded during the coverage period.



  Sunshine Percentage


Provides coverage if the selected sunshine percentage is not reached during the coverage period.





Apply for a Weather Insurance Quote






If you would like a quote on General Liability for your event, please complete the online application for the Special Event Insurance Program.

Rainfall Definitions


General description of rainfall amounts are indicated below.








  1/100 (0.01) Inch of Rain


A light shower for 2-5 minutes or a drizzle for 2 hours. This would not leave puddles on the ground and would slightly wet the surface.



  1/4 (0.25) Inch of Rain


A light rain for 2-3 hours, moderate rain for 30-60 minutes or heavy rain for 15 minutes. Many puddles on ground that do not disappear easily.



  1/2 (0.50) Inch of Rain



Moderate rain for 1-2 hours or heavy rain for 30-45 minutes. Deep standing water for long periods of time (a light rain never reaches this amount).



  3/4 (0.75) Inch of Rain


Heavy rain for 2-4 hours. Deep standing water for long periods of time (a light or moderate rain never reaches this amount).



  1.0 Inch of Rain


Heavy rain for several hours (2-5 hours). Deep standing water for long periods of time (a light or moderate rain never reaches this amount).



Claim Verification and Settlement


Claim verification and settlement and based on the recorded weather for the covered peril during the event period. The recorded weather can be either the closest weather station or an independent weather observer.



  Observation Method









  Closest National Weather Station


Closest National Weather Station (as identified by underwriting). The weather station is usually the closest airport. If another monitoring method is not selected and approved, the National Weather Station option will apply.



There is no additional charge for this option.


  Independent Weather Observer


An on-site Independent Weather Observer (to be approved by underwriting) may be used. The on-site Independent Weather Observer Qualification Sheet must be completed, forwarded to underwriting and approved in advance of quote approval.



Payment to Independent Weather Observer responsibility of client.





Coverages referenced on this website may not be available in all territories and may vary depending on the exposure. Minimum premiums may vary by

State. Coverages and services described in this website are generally stated for the purpose of promotion. The material does not modify or amend the

terms, conditions, or coverages of any policy. Please ask your Supple-Merrill & Driscoll, Inc. representative to explain coverage details, exclusions, limits

or other provisions of any insurance policy.



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